The skylark project

The Skylark Project is a research speculation exploring the possibility for recovering migration habitat of the Missouri Skylark (aka Sprague’s Pipit or Anthus spragueii). The Missouri Skylark, once widespread, uses large grassland patches which have been diminished through agricultural practices. Through introduction of patches of suitable habitat into agricultural practices we speculate not only strengthening the species, but also increasing diversity of habitat. The Missouri Skylark is notable for its unusually varied and lengthy song, which is only uttered in flight, high above their territory. While singing, the bird spirals in an undulating pattern, rising then falling out of balance. Part of the exhibition will be to emulate this behavior through use of UAV footage and modulated audio.

Feature 1

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Feature 2

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Donec ac fringilla turpis. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero.